Friday, July 6, 2012

Welcome to Our Family, Amelia Jane!

Well, it has obviously been QUITE a while since I've paid attention to this poor little blog!

But I couldn't let the birth of our sweet Amelia go unwritten about.  She is such a treasure. And it was SUCH a special day.
Somewhat-Brief Birth Story (for those of you who don't want to read an entire book about my cervix): The most important thing about Amelia's birth story is that her gender was a surprise!!! This is the first time we've been surprised, and it was the BEST!!! I Absolutely loved having that amazing surprise waiting for me at the end of  a difficult labor... but I'm getting ahead of myself.

I was due May 28 (Memorial Day), and I went into labor that night after walking up and down my hallway 50 times like a wild banshee!! I suspected my water was leaking, and my contractions were 5 minutes apart, so we called my parents to come over to be with the big kids and left for the hospital.

When we arrived, it was discovered that my water was in fact leaking, and I was admitted around 3am.  The bummer is that my contractions slowed down and became sporadic after arriving at the hospital. By 7:30am I had my epidural, my doctor arrived and broke my water (Dr. Han... she delivered ALL 3 of my babies!), and I was only at 6cm so I got a small dose of pitocin. The pitocin really got things moving, so I was thankful that I couldn't feel my uterus... until of course my epidural wore off at 9cm!!! Let's just say that the last hour of my labor and the delivery was excruciatingly painful.  I think pain that you aren't expecting to feel just hurts worse.  But maybe that's just me.

So the surprise of the baby's gender was what kept me going through those painful 2 hours (1 hour of transition + 1 hour of pushing).  Mallory came out in like 3 pushes, so I didn't not expect to push that long with my 3rd.  But Amelia entered this world with her head turned sideways AND the cord wrapped around her neck, so that's the reason for the extra pain and difficulty.

But it truly was ALL worth it as Neil and Dr. Han simultaneously exclaimed, "It's a girl!" Neil and I were in shock... DELIGHTED shock!  We both had become convinced in the weeks leading up to the birth that our baby was a boy.  And while we would have been equally thrilled with a boy, it was just so fun to be SO surprised!

We already had her name picked out - Amelia Jane Anderson. Amelia was a name that I mentioned to Neil early in my pregnancy, and he loved it.  So we were set on that name since early on.  Jane is in honor of Neil's Mom, Janet.

Bringing Amelia home has just been a sweet and blessed time for our whole family.

Bennett LOVES his sister  I mean LOVES her. He is checking on her, telling her he loves her, kissing her and giving her her binky and blanket every waking moment of every day.  Having her has really developed his sweet, tender side, and it's been such a delight for me to see how much he adores her.

 Mallory is also truly in love with her baby and is constantly dancing for her, singing to her, kissing and hugging her.  I can already see her nurturing, motherly side coming out. 

The McPreacher and I are just soaking up every minute of having a newborn to cuddle and hold.  We both feel that this will be our last baby.  Our family feels perfectly complete now.  So the perspective of already doing this twice and knowing how fast it goes and the knowledge that she will be our last has gotten us through the crazy adjustment and sleepless nights with much more joy than our first two.  We just adore her.

Amelia is one month old now and such a sweet, content girl.  This week she started looking at us and smiling.  This week she also started sleeping 6-8 hour stretches at night! Amen, Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!!!!

One of the things that people are always mentioning is how HUGE her eyes are.  When she opens those peepers, you are in for a treat! :0)

We love you, Amelia Jane.  You are such a precious girl, and we are so grateful that God has blessed our family with you.  We can't wait to watch you grow into the girl that God has designed you to be.


  1. She is SO precious and I LOVE her big Casey eyes. I loved reading this mini birth story. I can't wait to hold you again, sweet Amelia!

  2. So sweet! Our girls are going to be the BEST of friends!'n

  3. Love it Case! You and Neil are certainly ones to look up to as you are amazing parents!

  4. welcome to this world little one! congrats!

  5. she really is a treasure!
    i am your newest follower!
