Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bottling Up Summer Fun: "I'm Bored" Jar

This was supposed to be a craft for our MOPS group this year, but it didn't happen.

So I just threw one together for my own family. And you can too.

It's too simple to even be classified as a craft. It's basically a 10 minute project.

First, grab a jar. I'm using one of my favorite chalkboard jars, but any old jar'll do ya.

Label the jar with the words "I'm bored."

Next cut up a bunch of little strips of paper. On the strips, write down activities that are doable for your family on any given day. Have a good mix of chores and fun things... you don't want to encourage the kids to constantly say "I'm Bored."

Some of my strips say:
  • go get frozen yogurt
  • paint a picture
  • roast marshmallows
  • clean 2 windows :0) (mwah ha ha!)
  • dust
  • sidewalk chalk
  • make play dough
  • make cookies with Mama
  • get in swimsuits and play in the hose
  • go on a walk
  • play a game of crazy eights
  • make popsicles

Basically, anything that will break the daily routine, jot it on a slip o' paper and fill that-there jar up.

Then the next time your kids say those infamous words: "I'm Bored!"

Yep, you guessed it... they grab one strip of paper from the jar and the bored child (or the whole family) does whatever is on the strip.

Try it out! At the very least, you will have very clean windows before the summer is over.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Love, Love, Love, Love: Crazy Love

Remember way back when in this post where I talked about all the different natural beauty/skincare products I was trying?

You do?!

Well, remember how I said I would report back with my reactions to said products after trying them for a while?

You do?!

So, as promised, I'm back to let you know that after testing a few duds, I have found the best natural skincare line. EVER.

I know I am prone to overboard-crazy love for everything. I know I often exaggerate. But trust me when I say this skincare is awesome.

It is called Be Natural Organics.
I purchased the 4-Step Anti-aging Collection and have noticed much improvement with my skin, with better skin tone and very few (if any) breakouts. I have noticed that I'm not wearing as much makeup because my skin is looking so much better.
I LOVE all the products I got, but my favorite is the "Daily Botanical Enzyme Peel."
The peel uses lactic acid to eat away all your yucky, blah dead skin and is also great for acne and anti-aging. I love it and totally notice a difference after using it about 5 times a week for the past 5 weeks.

Just make sure you use a good natural sunscreen every day on your face when you are using this because you are more prone to sun damage after you expose that fresh, new skin!

I've been using this sunscreen for face and love it. I use it every morning mixed with a bit of my moisturizer. Don't freak out about the price. A little goes a LONG way, and remember, you're only using it on your face. So it should last you several months.

If you, like myself have been on the search for an awesome, natural skincare line, search no further. This is the one, folks. Prepare for Greatness.